The Conference on Ethic Supervision and Review of SECCR was successfully held and SECCR passed the review
After its founding, SECCR witnessed the first supervision and review by SMCHFP on the afternoon of 11 November 2018. The supervision was led by Wang Jianping, Vice Investigator of SMCHFP’s Science and Education Bureau, with the experts group comprised of Shanghai Medical Ethics Committee members including Fan Minsheng, Hu Jinhong, Xi Yiqun, Hou Yuemei and Xue Di. The experts group were in charge of evaluating the jobs of SECCR. Director Gan Rongxing, SECCR members including Hu Qingli, Chen Pei, Shen Mingxian, Ying Jianzhong, Chen Jianbo, Wang Yanyan, Qian Biyun, Xiong Yan and Cao Guoying attended the conference.
Wang Jianping firstly introduced the experts comprising the supervision group and specified Professor Fan Minsheng as the leader of the supervision group who was in charge of hosting the review job. The conference paid close attention to the working report of the committee. The report, delivered by Hu Qingli, consisted of four aspects as follows: 1) the development history of ethics committee, 2) a brief introduction to SECCR, 3) standard operating instruction of SECCR, 4) an overview of ethic review, training, meetings and exchanges, ethic consulting conducted by SECCR. Then the committee held the meeting of ethic review. After the researchers in charge of the project reported their working, the experts of the ethics committee reviewed the committee and posed some questions. The review meeting received proactive response. At the same time, the experts of supervision group viewed the review meeting on the spot. In addition, the experts group consulted the the dossiers of SECCR, and the experts of the review group made detailed knowledge about the establishment, review procedure and dossier of the committee, and interviewed each member and the secretary of SECCR. In a word, the ethics committee made full and detailed preparation for the review in respe |